Friday, First Mate (my daughter, more about her later), my cousin and I went to the mall. We weren't doing much more than window shopping
and making fun of the stores' offerings. As I walked out of the dressing room in The Gap (damn are "skinny pants" REALLY skinny), I saw a cute man about my age walk by. Of course I noticed right away that he was married so, I
ran pushed First Mate quickly over to a different model pant and headed to the dressing room.
It was then that said cute man called out my first and last (maiden) name. I looked him in the eye and knew right away who he was - my 6th grade mega-crush. *Swoon* (that was for you Kristy!) At that moment, a barrage different things filled my thoughts.
The most poignant of them:
shit, I never accepted his friend request on Facebook. Seriously, at 32 years old, THAT was the first thing that came to mind? Not,
I wonder what he's been up to? Or, whatever people usually think when they see someone for the first time in 14 years. Nope, I was more concerned that I now looked like a super
bitch snob
because I didn't press the little "confirm" button on the world's most popular social networking page. Thankfully, I never pressed "not now" button either, so, I hoped that I only looked busy and though I was at the mall on a Friday afternoon, I was somehow unable to find the time to attend to my Facebook account.
Too funny! We were just talking about being "discovered" in public because of our Facebook profiles... I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.